Focolare Movement

Building a global eco-community: insights from GreenCare in Belgium 

Nov 8, 2023

Together for the sake of the planet: this is the impetus behind the Green Care Programme, an event organised on the initiative of Multipolar Dialogue that took place in Belgium from 25 to 29 October 2023

Together for the sake of the planet: this is the impetus behind the Green Care Programme, an event organised on the initiative of Multipolar Dialogue that took place in Belgium from 25 to 29 October 2023 Ecology, a topic of growing global interest, has increasingly attracted the interest of many. Pope Francis emphasizes the urgent need to address environmental issues through his encyclical “Laudato Si’. Despite these calls, the stark reality remains: there have been too few tangible improvements. What is missing in our collective efforts and what more can we do to protect our planet? To seek answers to these questions and find ways  to act collectively, a diverse group of 50 people from over 13 different countries convened at the Centrum Eenheid, in Rotselaar, Belgium, from October 25th to 29th 2023 for a transformative four-day event. Their mission: to engage in dialogue, acquire knowledge, and exchange experiences in the pursuit of better care for our planet. Organized by Multipolar Dialogue, an initiative that brings together citizens from East and West Europe in a methodology based on the practice of a “pact of love” on which can be built a space of trust, the event offered a rich mixture of lectures, talks, dialogues, and best practices, creating a dynamic space for sharing experiences and knowledge. Attendees engaged in thought-provoking dialogues on a range of topics, such as, sustainable development, biodiversity, integral ecology and noise reduction. In addition to these dialogues, participants had the opportunity to share their experiences, such as initiatives like school and community gardens, “Greening Africa Together“, “Grüne Dach Impulse”, while they also took part  in workshop in workshops. Moreover, the event was graced by the presence of esteemed experts whose insights elevated the dialogues and provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and solutions. Dr. Helmut Maurer, an authority on environmental matters, shared invaluable perspectives during an interview focused on the implementation of the Green Deal, shedding light on the practical steps needed to address environmental issues. Lorna Gold, the Chair of the Laudato Si Movement and CEO at FaithInvest, brought her wealth of experience to the event, inspiring participants with her wisdom and vision. A multi-project endeavor This event was not just a standalone gathering but a crucial component of the broader initiative “Project DialogUE“. The overarching goal of this initiative is to actively engage with citizens, giving them a platform to voice their concerns and ideas. As part of this mission, the event had a distinct purpose: to facilitate meaningful dialogues and craft proposals that could be presented to the European Union. In pursuit of this objective, participants had the unique opportunity to visit EU institutions, gaining deeper insights into the processes and avenues through which their proposals and requests could be channeled. “Project DialogUE” aligns with the commitment of the Focolare movement to listen to the cry of the earth and respond to its needs. This commitment is encapsulated in the EcoPlan – the Focolare Movement statement for Integral Ecology – that was also presented during the event, outlining a path towards a more sustainable and integral ecological conscious future. Connecting for change Beyond the invaluable knowledge gained and the experiences shared, these four days left a profound impact on the participants. They felt more than just attendees; they became part of a global community with a shared concern for our planet’s well-being. The sense of connection, dialogue, and collective purpose was palpable, as individuals from diverse backgrounds and countries came together to answer the cry of the earth. As Anna Waibel, a driving force behind the School Gardens project in Austria, expressed, “For me it was really awesome to see that my school is not the only place that tries to change something, but that others also want to do so. I noticed that nothing works without community and acting together.” Anny Hesius, the Multipolar Dialogue coordinator from Belgium, aptly summarized the collective sentiment, saying, “The proposal was to offer each other to listen and exchange knowledge and it has made us more aware, stronger, more co-responsible and more decisive. We have become a true family. Protagonists of peace and justice, of love toward the inhabitants of the earth and our common home” In these four days, participants not only expanded their ecological knowledge but also found a sense of purpose and community, leaving with a renewed determination to collaborate and bring about meaningful change on a global scale.  

Ana Clara Giovani


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